Your Merritt & District Chamber of Commerce is making some big changes, and we're excited to share one of many with the reveal of our new site.
Access Student Talent!
In addition to the brand new Merritt Chamber website, you'll find a new section titled "Access Student Talent" - all the information regarding an exciting new Chamber program can be found here. This program is the first of it's kind and represents one of the largest initiatives in Chamber of Commerce history, so be sure to see how Access Student Talent could apply to you.
All-New Business Directory
The Chamber of Commerce Business Directory is live - by navigating to "Member Directory", you'll see a fully featured directory of all current Chamber members. Each listing provides a quick write up about the business, as well as website or Facebook links where applicable, and a contact number where available! At this time, we're seeking photo permissions from Chamber members to finish this directory; the Chamber of Commerce can't use photos sourced from Google or taken off of websites without permission for legal purposes, so we'll be reaching out to all our members to get photo permissions for an image they feel best represents them. It's the start of a historic year for the Merritt & District Chamber of Commerce - if you're interested in getting on board and becoming a member yourself, check out the "Member Application" tab for more info!