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Miss Vicki's Petals and Plants Flower Shop


Summer is in full bloom, but we still need a reminder to “stop and smell the roses.” With all of the distractions of the everyday world, it's important to take a moment for reflection to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. A stop into Miss Vicki's Petals and Plants Flower Shop will not only be beauty for your eyes, it will also be a real treat for your senses.

"Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature."

Beautiful flowers fill baskets and bowls around the store, bringing life and pops of color to every single corner. Oh, and don't miss the chance to say hello to the sweet little fur baby who is always there excited to greet each customer.

"Don't wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul."

It's great to buy a gift for a freind or family on a special occassion but YOU are a special occassion every single day. Visit Miss Vicki's Petals and Plants Flower Shop and make a heart smile, even if it is your own.

Miss Vicki has an amazing selection of potted and cut flowers, she also has an amazing display of giftware for every occassion.

Stop in and say hello to Miss Vicki, a very loyal member of the Chamber of Commerce and a long time Merritt resident.

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